
Как одевать наживку на крючок?

Как одевать наживку на крючок?
Сообщений: 27
1002 дня назад
At some point, the conversation shifted towards the topic of intersexual relations.
Somehow, in about 20 minutes I arrived, found out the number of the apartment, because I didn’t remember shit during the day and went up to the floor. When I entered the apartment, I wondered how everything would go on and how long I would be so stressed. But what makes my Anyuta so beautiful is her ability to understand what to do. A minute later, she did an unexpected and strange act, at first she asked, “Are you very worried?” I answered “yes” and she smiled, with the words “then let's do it like this”, with a slight movement she pulled off her T-shirt, exposing a small amazing chest, and then dropped her sweatpants, pulled them off her feet with her legs and remained completely naked, barefoot and I swear to you she looked just amazing.
“Aah…” I couldn't help but groan.
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I now believe that until the girl has taken the male seed into herself, she is essentially a virgin. All this pampering with rubber bands is not real.
She, with the head of his penis in her mouth, felt the sperm hit her palate and throat and fill her with all the free space in her mouth. After his convulsions, she slowly removed the head from her mouth and quickly closed her mouth so as not to utter a single drop. She smiled proud that she could do so, opened her mouth and showed Slava his sperm. The lower teeth and tongue were not visible behind the sperm, and it barely overflowed the edge of the lips. Ira put it in her mouth with her tongue and closed her mouth. He watched it all in disbelief. He really loved this girl now. Smiling gently, she swallowed the sperm in two attempts and opened her mouth and showed that her mouth giggled emptyly. Having kissed his lips quickly, she turned 180 degrees so that her ass with all its charms was in front of Slava's nose.
Old people are already, but like young people: we kiss, we hug.
Slava, who had not yet recovered from this, began to wipe the drops of sperm from the penis that had begun to sink down her lips. She was silent and looked like a pirate at what he was doing. When he finished, he took a step away, and she licked her lips and tried to open the second eye and immediately deciding that it was not worth doing this yet, she wiped the sperm from her eye with her finger and licked her finger.
Сообщений: 1
1006 дней назад
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