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Divdivimg src"http:www. droid-life. comwp-contentuploads201611allo-emoji-picker-270x182. jpg"divh3Allo Update Brings Sticker and Emoji Suggestions, Themes, Fantastic Beasts Funh3divGoogle is spicing up conversations in Allo today through a new update. We039;re talking about the perfect emoji or sticker, joining the Fantastic Beasts hype, and customizing your chats with themes. Now, in Allo, as you type out sentences or have conversations. divdivimg src"http:www. droid-life. comwp-contentuploads201606twitter-logo-small-270x176. jpg"divh3Twitter Introduces Stickers for Your Photosh3divOver the coming weeks, Twitter will rollout an update to its Android and iOS apps that introduces Stickers, which as the name for them suggests, are fun little stickers that can be placed on the photos you share through Twitter. With Stickers, you get a quot;new.
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